
| | WIT-Absolventin, former PhD student Phone: | ++43 1 58801 18893 | Fax: | ++43 1 58801 18895 | E-Mail: | stefanov@wit.tuwien.ac.at | Room: | HE 04 40 (Favoritenstraße 9, Stiege 4, 4. Stock, roter Bereich, Zugang über Stiege 3) | Office hours: | By appointment | |
I have finished my PhD studies! The title of my PhD thesis is Conceptual Models and Model-Based Business Metadata to Bridge the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations .
Academic CV
From 1999 to 2004, I studied Business Informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology, and received my MSc. (Magistra rer. soc. oec. in Wirtschaftsinformatik) in October 2004. In 2003 I spent 6 months at the Facoltà di Ingegneria of the Politecnico di Milano. For my master's thesis, I designed and implemented a software process performance measurement system at a Vienna software company. In November 2004 I joined WIT, the Women's Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies, as a PhD student. I have finished my PhD studies, and defended my thesis on December 4th, 2007. I will receive my PhD (Doktorin rer. soc. oec. in Wirtschaftsinformatik) during the next weeks.
During my time at WIT, I published 10 research papers at peer-reviewed international conferences and workshops. I designed a prototype to present and test some of the ideas presented in my thesis. In the spring of 2007, I visited the University of Alicante. When I was not in some way working on the subject of my thesis, I spent my time teaching undergraduate students modeling techniques and UML or contributed to WIT's various activities.
Research Interests - Data Warehousing
- Conceptual Modeling
- Business Metadata
- Open-Source Business Intelligence
Peer-reviewed conferences and workshops |
DOI | Emilio Soler, Veronika Stefanov, Jose-Norberto Mazón, Juan-Carlos Trujillo, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini: Towards Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering Security Requirements, Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2008), Barcelona, Spain, March 4-7, 2008. |
| Emilio Soler, Veronika Stefanov, Jose-Norberto Mazón, Juan-Carlos Trujillo, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini: Modelado de Requisitos de Seguridad para Almacenes de Datos (Towards Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering Security Requirements), XI Iberoamerican Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Software Environments (IDEAS 2008), Pernambuco, Brazil, February 11-15, 2008. |
 | Veronika Stefanov, Beate List: A UML Profile for Modeling Data Warehouse Usage, Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations and Applications ER 2007 Workshops, 3rd International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML (FP-UML 2007), in conjuntion with the
26th International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2007), November 5-9, 2007
Auckland, New Zealand, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4802. |
DOI | Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: A UML Profile for Representing Business Object States in a Data Warehouse, 9th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2007), September 2007, Regensburg, Germany, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4654. |
 | Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: Explaining Data Warehouse Data to Business Users - A Model-Based Approach to Business Metadata, 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2007), June 2007, 2062-2073, St. Gallen, Switzerland |
DOI | Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: Business Metadata for the Data Warehouse - Weaving Enterprise Goals and Multidimensional Models, International Workshop on Models for Enterprise Computing (IWMEC) at the 10th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2006), October 2006, Hong Kong, China |
 | Veronika Stefanov: Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations, Proceedings of Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, 18th Conference on Advanced Information System Engineering (CAiSE'06), Namur University Press, June 2006, Luxembourg |
DOI | Veronika Stefanov, Beate List and Josef Schiefer: Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Business Processes - A Business Intelligence Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains, Proceedings of the 9th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2005), September 2005, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2005, IEEE Press. |
DOI | Veronika Stefanov, Beate List and Birgit Korherr: Extending UML 2 Activity Diagrams with Business Intelligence Objects, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2005), August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3589. |
DOI | Veronika Stefanov and Beate List: A Performance Measurement Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2005), First International Workshop on Business Process Monitoring & Performance Management (BPMPM 2005), August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, IEEE Press. |
Theses |
 | Veronika Stefanov: Conceptual Models and Model-Based Business Metadata to Bridge the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations, PhD Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, November 2007. |
 | Veronika Stefanov: Measuring Software Development Productivity - Specification, Design and Prototypical Implementation of a Performance Measurement System, Master's Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, October 2004. |
Misc (in German) |
 | Veronika Stefanov: Was mir Spaß macht am Technikerin/Naturwissenschafterin sein, in: Forscherinnenbilder, TU Wien, Juni 2007. |
| Katharina Prinzenstein, Marion Murzek, Veronika Stefanov: Bis 2010 oder ... ? Wie nachhaltig sind Gleichbehandlung und Frauenförderung im Universitätskontext Österreichs?, Kongress von Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik (FiNuT), Köln, Mai 2006. |
Talks I regularly presented my ongoing work for discussion at our PhD Seminar. You might also have seen me at:
4 December 2007: Conceptual Models and Model-Based Business Metadata to Bridge the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations, PhD defense, Rigorosum, Vienna University of Technology.
3 December 2007: Conceptual Models and Model-Based Business Metadata to Bridge the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations, my PhD thesis explained in 5 minutes, WIT Closing Event, Vienna University of Technology.
5 November 2007: A UML Profile for Modeling Data Warehouse Usage at the 3rd International Workshop on Foundations and Practices of UML (FP-UML 2007), at the
26th International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2007), Auckland, New Zealand.
20 September 2007: Increasing the Potential of Data Warehouses for Organizations - Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations at the DERI/BIG PhD Seminar 2007, Vienna, Austria.
4 September 2007: A UML Profile for Representing Business Object States in a Data Warehouse at the 9th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2007), Regensburg, Germany.
17 July 2007: Data Warehousing zwischen Daten und Organisation at the 1st WINET Symposium "Building Blocks of Life - Bausteine des Lebens", Hamburg, Germany.
7 June 2007: Explaining Data Warehouse Data to Business Users - A Model-Based Approach to Business Metadata at the 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2007), St. Gallen, Switzerland.
12 March 2007: Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations at the Department for Information Systems and Languages of the University of Alicante, Spain.
16th October 2006: Business Metadata for the Data Warehouse - Weaving Enterprise Goals and Multidimensional Models at the IWMEC Workshop of EDOC 2006, Hong Kong, China.
6th June 2006: Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations at the Doctoral Consortium of CAiSE'06, Luxembourg.
21st September 2005: Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Business Processes - A Business Intelligence Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains at EDOC 2005, Enschede, The Netherlands.
23rd August 2005: A Performance Measurement Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains at BPMPM Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark.
22nd August 2005: Extending UML 2 Activity Diagrams with Business Intelligence Objects at DaWaK 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Scientific Community
Program committees
Member of the program committee of the CAiSE 07 Doctoral Consortium
Member of the program committee of the 1st international workshop on Enterprise Information Systems Engineering (WEISE) at DEXA 2007
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 05, DaWaK 06)
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 06)
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 06)
Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE special issue for DAWAK'05)
International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 06)
International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications & Services (iiWAS 06)
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2007)
Very Large Data Bases Conference PhD Workshop (VLDB 2007 Phd Workshop)
Journal of Information Systems and E-Business Management (ISEB special issue on Service Science)
Summer school
I attended Erfolgsstrategien für Nachwuchswissenschafterinnen, Success strategies for junior scientists, July 10 - 21, 2005, Universität Graz, Semriach/Graz, Austria
Research visit
Research group of Prof. Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondejar at the Department for Information Systems and Languages of the University of Alicante, Spain, March 11-14th and May 3-22nd 2007.
WINET Netzwerk: Symposium "Building Blocks of Life - Bausteine des Lebens", July 2007, Hamburg, Germany
WIT During my time a PhD student at WIT, I contributed to WIT's programs for promoting women in computer science at the Vienna University of Technology: Admina.at I like teaching and already had a lot of experience from my time as a student assistant (tutor), so setting up two new Admina.at courses was among the first things I did when I joined WIT. I was later responsible for the Linux course, whereas the Programming course was in the capable hands of my colleague Andrea Schauerhuber. - Admina.at Linux course (2-day hands-on workshop for 12 students, installation and administration)
- Course design and materials (with Elke Michlmayr and Sonja Schindler; 2004) - Trainer (2004, 2005, 2007) - Organization (hiring new trainers, updating the website and the materials, finding suitable dates and rooms, organizing hardware, communication between trainers and Admina.at team, strategy) - Admina.at Programmieren/Programming course
- Course design and materials (with Andrea Schauerhuber; 2004) - Trainer (2004) giTi The giTi Day (for high school students, usually end of February) and the Girl's Day ("Töchtertag", for younger girls, usually in April) are two opportunities for girls and young women to visit the Computer Science departments of the Vienna University of Technology. I participated: giTi 2005 - Presentation "So ging es mir beim Studium an der TU" (my life as a student at the TU Vienna) giTi 2006 - Guide giTi 2007 - Guide and presentation "So ging es mir beim Studium an der TU" (my life as a student at the TU Vienna) Töchertag 2005 - Guide for group of 10 girls |