
PhD student
| Teaching
| Research
Interests | PhD
Thesis | Publications]
Andrea Schauerhuber started her studies of Business Informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
at the Vienna University
of Technology in October 2000 and received her MSc. (Magistra rer.
soc. oec.) in October 2004. From 2001 to 2004, she was a tutor at the
Institute of
Software Technology and Interactive Systems for two classes, namely
Einführung in die Programmierung" and "188.190
Unternehmensmodellierung und Business Engineering". In November
2004 she joined WIT, the Women's Postgraduate
College for Internet Technologies, as a PhD student. Ever since
September 2003, she has already been contributing to WIT's efforts through
her work for admina.at.
des bm:bwk (Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture) für
außerordentliche Studienleistungen 2005
Research Interests
- Ubiquitous Web Applications
- Conceptual Modeling
- Model-Driven Engineering
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development
PhD Thesis
aspectUWA - Applying Aspect-Orientation to the Model-Driven
Development of Ubiquitous Web Applications, Andrea Schauerhuber,
October 2007
Have a look at the aspectWebML modeling language and tool support [more]
Andrea Schauerhuber. aspectUWA: Applying Aspect-Orientation
to the Model-Driven Development of Ubiquitous Web Applications.
PhD Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, October 2007 [PDF
Model-Driven Web Engineering
- Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Werner Retschitzegger,
Manuel Wimmer, and Gerti Kappel. A Survey on Web Modeling
Approaches for Ubiquitous Web Applications. Technical Report,
Vienna University of Technology, October 2007.

- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, and Horst
Kargl. On the Integration of Web Modeling Languages: Preliminary
Results and Future Challenges. 3rd Int. Workshop on Model-Driven
Web Engineering (MDWE 2007), in conjunction with ICWE'07, Como, Italy,
July 2007.
- A. Vallecillo, N. Koch, C. Cachero, S. Comai, P. Fraternali, I.
Garrigós, J. Gómez, G. Kappel, A. Knapp, M. Matera,
S. Meliá, N. Moreno, B. Pröll, T. Reiter, W. Retschitzegger,
J. E. Rivera, A. Schauerhuber, W. Schwinger, M. Wimmer, G.Zhang: MDWEnet:
A Practical Approach to Achieving Interoperability of Model-Driven
Web Engineering Methods . 3rd Int. Workshop on Model-Driven
Web Engineering (MDWE 2007), in conjunction with ICWE'07 Como, Italy,
July 2007.

- Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Wieland
Schwinger, and Werner Retschitzegger. Bridging WebML to model-driven
engineering: from document type definitions to meta object facility.
IET Software Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, Institution of Engineering and
Technology, June 2007. [project
- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Michael Strommer, Jürgen
Flandorfer, Wieland Schwinger, and Gerti Kappel. How Web 2.0
can leverage Model Engineering in Practice. Submitted in
2007. [project
- Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, and Elisabeth Kapsammer. Bridging
existing Web Modeling Languages to Model-Driven Engineering: A Metamodel
for WebML. Workshop on Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE
2006), in conjunction with ICWE'06, Standford Linear Accelerator Center,
Palo Alto, California, July 2006. [project
- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Elisabeth Kapsammer, and Gerhard
Kramler. From Document Type Definitions to Metamodels: The
WebML Case Study. Technical Report, Vienna University of
Technology, March 2006. [project
Aspect-Oriented Software Development
- Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Werner
Retschitzegger, Manuel Wimmer, and Gerti Kappel. A Survey
on Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approaches. Technical Report,
Vienna University of Technology, October 2007.
- Andrea Schauerhuber, Manuel Wimmer, Wieland Schwinger, Elisabeth
Kapsammer, and Werner Retschitzegger. Aspect-Oriented Modeling
of Ubiquitous Web Applications: The aspectWebML Approach.
5th Workshop on Model-Based Development for ComputerBased Systems:
Domain-Specific Approaches to Model-Based Development, in conjunction
with ECBS'07, Tucson, AZ, USA, March 2007. [project

- Thomas Reiter, Werner Retschitzegger, Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland
Schwinger, Elisabeth Kapsammer. Enabling API-based Tool Integration
through Aspect-Orientation. 2nd Workshop on Models and Aspects,
in conjunction with ECOOP'06, Nantes, France, July 2006.

- Andrea Schauerhuber, Wieland Schwinger, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Werner
Retschitzegger, Manuel Wimmer. Towards a Common Reference
Architecture for Aspect-Oriented Modeling. 8th International
Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling, in conjunction with AOSD'06,
Bonn, Germany, March 21, 2006.
- Andrea Schauerhuber.aspectUWA: Applying Aspect-Orientation
to the Model-Driven Development of Ubiquitous Web Applications.
Student Extravaganza: Spring School, AOSD'06, Bonn, Germany, March
19, 2006.

- Andrea Schauerhuber. aspectUWA: Applying Aspect-Orientation
to the Model-Driven Development of Ubiquitous Web Applications.
Student Extravaganza: Poster Event, AOSD'06, Bonn, Germany, March
22, 2006. (POSTER)

- Manuel Wimmer, Andrea Schauerhuber, Michael Strommer, Wieland Schwinger,
Gerti Kappel. A Semi-automatic Approach for bridging DSLs
with UML. 7th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling,
in conjunction with OOPSLA'07, Montréal, Canada, October 2007.
- G. Kappel, H. Kargl , G. Kramler , A. Schauerhuber , M. Seidl,
M. Strommer, and M. Wimmer. Matching Metamodels with Semantic
Systems - An Experience Report. BTW 2007 Workshop Model Management
und Metadaten-Verwaltung, Aachen, 05.03.2007 - 09.03.2007, 2007.
- W. Schwinger, Ch. Grün, B. Pröll, W. Retschitzegger, A.
Schauerhuber. Context-awareness in Mobile Tourism Guides -
A Comprehensive Survey, Technical Report, July 2005.
- A. Schauerhuber: Entwicklung eines webbasierten
Institutsinformationssystems - Separation of Concerns und seine Umsetzung
in LAMP, Diploma Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, October

Attended Conferences and Other Scientific Events
7th International
Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE'07), Como, Italy, July 16-20,
6th International
Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE'06), Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center, Palo Alto (California), July 10-14, 2006.
5th International
Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'06), Bonn
(Germany), March 20-24, 2006.
3rd International
Conference on Pervasive Computing, Munich (Germany), May 8-13, 2005.
1st International
Workshop on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2005), Oberpfaffenhofen
(Germany), May 12-13, 2005.
6. Internationale Tagung
Wirtschaftsinformatik, Dresden (Germany), September 17-19, 2003.
Programming Languages: |
Java, PHP, XSLT, Prolog, Python, C |
Operating Systems: |
Windows (95, 98, 2000, XP), Linux (Knoppix)