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About WIT

WIT status December 2007

In his 5 years, WIT has become a role model for promoting women in science and technology at the Vienna University of Technology. Its manifold approaches are aimed not only at the promotion of female junior scientists, but include career support measures for women in all stages of IT education. WIT offers measures for female high school students and graduates, as well as university students, which are well received.

  • 8 PhD students are working, researching and publishing within the PhD program,
  • 670 high school and 390 university students have participated in about 110 Admina.at courses,
  • 290 high school students have attended the four giTi days, and more than 2.400 received information from FIT-giTi-ambassadors beforehand at their school,
  • 13 Tandems in the mentoring-project for beginners: big sister.first steps,
  • 8 female IT-academics in TU!MentorING programme,
  • and about 2.900 guests from science and industry enjoyed the 29 talks at WIT-Events.

But quantity is not everything - the quality of our activities is very important to us. The feedback we receive in this respect is very positive.

History and concept

The Women's Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies (WIT) is part of a series of projects promoting women in science and technology (fFORTE), initiated by the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development to provide for higher competitiveness in the global marketplace and the scientific world. WIT was established at the Vienna University of Technology in response to the underrepresentation of women in science and technology, particularly in computer science, and is the largest project within fFORTE.

The Women's Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies was initiated in 2003 and has a scope of five years. It provides a Ph.D. program that is unique in Austria, combining research in science and technology on the highest international level with career support measures and mentoring activities offered to female high school and university students as well as junior researchers. WIT's activities are grouped into three main areas:

  • Ph.D. program for women in internet technologies. The WIT Ph.D. curriculum and training program provides an introduction to the role of a scientist and an entry into the international scientific community for 8 female Ph.D. students. A broad and diverse qualification development approach (technical as well as non-technical) also prepares the Ph.D. students for managerial and leadership functions. The choice of internet technologies as the main research focus was motivated by the emerging and expanding character of a research field that employs advanced information and communication technologies. Furthermore, the Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology, where WIT is based, has a scientific focus on internet technologies as well.
  • Mentoring for students and junior scientists. Special programs shall encourage young women during their final year in school to consider studying computer science (giTi - girls IT information). Personal and professional skills are fostered throughout the female students' university career, in order to actively motivate them to pursue a successful scientific career (Admina.at, Mentoring program). Visiting female lecturers as well as international scientific cooperation and exchange programs support the creation of role models and the integration of the pre-doc researchers into the scientific community.
  • Communication platform for research and further education. A diverse set of communication initiatives (colloquium series, further education tutorials, web portal, etc.) supports continuing education, provides visibility for successful women in computer science and creates awareness in the general public. These activities are aimed at supporting the exchange of knowledge and encouraging networks between scientists in the same field of study.

The Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology is more than 30 years old and has a high reputation for research and teaching excellence, both in Austria and internationally. The Faculty of Informatics is the largest faculty of its kind in Austria. The integration of WIT into the Faculty of Informatics provides a broad spectrum of research and personal expertise to the Ph.D. students.

The vision of WIT is to become an institution with an outstanding reputation for scientific excellence. WIT is dedicated to providing its female researchers and students with an education that combines intensive academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse community. WIT is committed to advancing knowledge and educating its Ph.D. students in science and technology in a way that will best serve the challenges of a science and technology-based industry in the 21st century.

more information in English Publication: The Women's Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies (WIT) - A Role Model for Promoting Female Researchers at Universities!
WIT brochure (German) PDF symbol - WIT brochure
Detailed project proposal (updated version, German) PDF symbol - detailed project proposal

this page is maintained by Ulli Pastner


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