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TU! MentorING TU Mentoring logo
A projekt in cooperation with
Koordinationsstelle für Frauenförderung und Gender Studies der TU Wien
Logo of the Koordinationsstelle für Frauenförderung und Gender Studies der TU Wien

TU!MentorING - a group-mentoring program for young female researchers at the TU Vienna

Mentoring relationships give advice and guidance in career matters. Today, information about organisational culture is vital for pursuing a successful research career. WIT provides mentors to its Ph.D. students and to female members of the Faculty of Informatics.

At the end of November 2005, 28 female researchers were selected from the whole University as mentees. They come from different disciplines, most of them from computer science (9) and architecture (7). 7 groups with 4 mentees each were identified, and WIT is responsible for the coordination of the two groups in computer science.

The following professors were mentors (for a group of 4 mentees each):

Gerald Badurek,
Christian Breiteneder,
Peter Fleissner,
Dieter Gutknecht,
Silvia Miksch,
Ingrid Steiner and
Ina Wagner.

The groups met for about 10 hours per semester. At the beginning of the mentoring program, they made a formal agreement on the objectives, the topics and the communication rules of their mentoring relationship. Mentees additionally participate in social and management skill seminars and have mentee-only meetings to exchange their views.
The very successful project ended in summer 2007.

bullet point contact und coordination:

Koordinationsstelle für Frauenförderung und Gender Studies
Dr.in Brigitte Ratzer

bullet point contact and coordination for the groups in computer science:

Dr.in Ulrike Pastner

Download TU!MentorING Folder (German)  PDF file including information about the TU Mentoring project


this page is maintained by Ulli Pastner

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