As a part of the School of Computer Science at the Vienna University
of Technology, WIT plays an active role within the university. Targeting
research-driven teaching, we offer a variety of teaching activities
within our research areas. This includes the supervision of master and
bachelor thesis, lectures, labs, seminars, and practical courses. WIT
provides teaching for the following reasons:
Teaching as a service to the community:
As a part of the School of Computer Science, WIT has
a responsibility to support the achievement of common goals. The
school serves approximately 5000 students. Therefore teaching
is a very important issue. It is a concern of WIT to make a contribution.
Teaching as a skill:
A goal of the WIT PhD curriculum and recognised international
computer science PhD programs is to train students for careers
in research and teaching. Teaching experience is considered to
be a significant part of graduate education and an important professional
Teaching to present role models:
Computer science and information systems courses given by female
lecturers make women visible as professionals. They serve as role
models for female students and pupils.
Teaching as a means of
cooperation on research projects:
The integration of students into research projects provides the
opportunity to exchange ideas and share state-of-the-art projects.