WIT - Dissertantin
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++43 1 58801 18807 |
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++43 1 58801 18895 |
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Raum: |
Raum HE 04 40
(Favoritenstraße 9, Stiege 4, 4. Stock) |
Sprechstunde: |
nach Vereinbarung |
- Modelltransformationen
- Unternehmensmodellierung
Wintersemester 2007/2008 |
188.395 |
UE |
2.0 |
Model Engineering |
188.249 |
PR |
4.0 |
Projektpraktikum im betrieblichen Umfeld (mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit) |
Wintersemester 2006/2007 |
188.395 |
UE |
2.0 |
Model Engineering |
188.249 |
PR |
4.0 |
Projektpraktikum im betrieblichen Umfeld (mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit) |
Sommersemester 2006 |
188.258 |
PR |
10.0 |
Projektpraktikum (mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit) |
Wintersemester 2005/2006 |
188.365 |
VU |
2.0 |
AK aus Software Engineering 2: Model Engineering |
20. April 2007 |
"An Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Framework
(EMF) and the Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF)" @ BOC
Information Systems GmbH, Wien, Österreich |
November 2005 |
Projekt "SegraVis"
an der Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Deutschland
Jänner - Februar 2005 |
Projekt "SegraVis"
an der Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Deutschland
November 2007 |
M.Strommer, M.Murzek, M.Wimmer: Applying Model Transformation
By-Example on Business Process Modeling Languages Accepted
at the 3rd International Workshop on
Foundations and Practices of UML at the 26the
International Conference on Conceptual Modelling, ER 2007,
Auckland, New Zealand, November 2007 (PDF) |
Oktober 2007 |
M. Murzek, G. Kramler: The Model Morphing Approach
- Horizontal Transformations between Business Process Models
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Perspecitves
in Business Information Research - BIR
2007 ", J. Nummenmaa, E. Söderström (Hrg.); Department
of Computer Sciences, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finnland (2007),
978-951-44-7096-7; S. 88 - 103. (PDF) |
Juni 2007 |
ISSUES - The top 7 adversaries encountered at defining
model transformations Conference Paper at the 9th International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS
2007, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, Juni 2007(PDF) |
Oktober 2006 |
M.Murzek, G.Kramler, E.Michlmayr: Structural Patterns
for the Transformation of Business Process Models
Accepted at the International Workshop on Models for Enterprise
Computing (IWMEC
2006) at the 10th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC
2006) "The Enterprise Computing Conference", Hong
Kong, October 2006 (PDF) |
Mai 2006 |
K.Prinzenstein, M.Murzek, V.Stefanov: Bis 2010 oder ...
? Wie nachhaltig sind Gleichbehandlung und Frauenförderung
im Universitätskontext Österreichs? Auf dem Kongress
von Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik (FiNuT),
Köln, Mai 2006 |
Oktober 2005 |
M.Murzek, G.Kappel, G.Kramler: Model Transformations in
Practice Using the BOC Model Transformer Paper for
the Workshop “Model Transformation in Practice” at MoDELS
2005, Montego Bay, Jamaica, October 2005 (PDF) |
Oktober 2005 |
H. Kühn, M. Murzek: Modelling: From Craftsmanship
to Automation. Accepted for publication at the 4th International
Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research BIR
2005, October 3-4, 2005, University of Skövde, Sweden (PDF) |
Februar 2005 |
H.Kühn, M.Murzek: Interoperability Issues in Metamodelling
Platforms Conference Paper at the First International
Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications
Geneva, Switzerland, February 2005 (PDF) |
Dezember 2004 |
M.Murzek, G.Kramler: Defining
Model Transformations for Business Process Models Graphically,
Position Paper for Workshop “Enterprise Modelling
and Ontology: Ingredients for interoperability” at PAKM
2004 , Vienna , December 2004 (PDF) |
Oktober 2004 |
H.Kühn, M.Murzek, F.Bayer:
Business Model Interoperability using Enterprise Model
Integration, Position Paper for eChallenges2004,
Vienna, October 2004 (PDF) |
Juni 2004 |
H.Kühn, M.Murzek, F.Bayer:
Horizontal Business Process Model Interoperability using
model transformation, Position Paper for Workshop
2004, Oslo, June 2004 (PDF)
April 2004 |
M.Murzek: Methodenübergreifende Modelltransformationen
am Beispiel von ADONIS, Diplomarbeit, Universität