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Photo of Doris Divotkey

Dipl.-Ing. Doris Divotkey

PhD student









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Curriculum Vitae

Doris Divotkey studied computer science at the University of Linz and worked part-time as tutor for mathematics, statistics and software development. She received her diploma degree in 2002 and worked at the Institute for Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology on the development and administration of an eLearning platform comprising training and consulting activities.

Since 2003, she is research assistant at the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology. She is involved in the VizIR project, her work includes the design and implementation of content-based querying and retrieval models. Besides, she has been teaching IT courses (Multimedia, Computer Science, Network and Web Programming, ...) as external lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology and at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. In May 2006, she joined the Women's Postgraduate College for Internet Technologies (WIT).

Research Interests

  • Visual Information Retrieval
  • Feature extraction and similarity measurement
  • Semantic Image Analysis (e.g. automatic scenery recognition)
  • MPEG-7

Ongoing work

  • PhD Thesis: "Content-based Image and Video Retrieval based on Media Understanding and Metadata Modelling"


  • Divotkey, R., Mühlbacher, J.R., Reisinger, S., Remplbauer, D.: The WeLearn Distance Teaching Framework. Granada: EDEN (European Distance Education Network), 2002 Eden Annual Conference, Conference Proceedings, 308-314, 2002.
  • Divotkey, D., Eidenberger, H., and Divotkey, R., Artificial Intelligence and Query Execution Methods in the VizIR Framework, Journal of the Austrian Artifical Intelligence Society (ÖGAI), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 17-27, 2005.
  • Divotkey, D., and Eidenberger, H., Content-based Querying Embedded in Multimedia Presentations, IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop, Shanghai, China, 2005.
  • Christodoulakis, S. , Tsinaraki, C., Breiteneder, C., Eidenberger, H., Divotkey, D., Boll, S., Scherp, A., Bertino, E., and Perego, A., CoCoMA: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval, Delivery and Presentation, European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Vienna, Austria, 2005.

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