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Das Wissenschafterinnenkolleg Internettechnologien lud gemeinsam mit der Fakultät für Informatik der TU Wien und der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft zu folgendem Vortrag ein:

Changing Business and Software

Dr. James Rumbaugh
IBM Distinguished Engineer and Co-Developer of UML





Montag, 9. Mai 2005
17:00 - 18:00 +

Technische Universität Wien
Freihaus, FH Hörsaal 1, Turm C (rot), 1. Stock
1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10

Photo of James Rumbaugh

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Business is changing from a tightly controlled, monolithic, stable process to a cooperative, highly distributed, rapidly changing network of relationships. This change requires flexibility, especially the ability to incrementally modify, replace, or outsource parts of the business process as it evolves. To accommodate the changes in business practices, software must change in similar ways.  Dr. Rumbaugh will discuss four practices needed to enable this major change: Component Business Modeling (CBM), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Model Driven Architecture (MDA), and the iterative development process.


James Rumbaugh has a PhD in Computer Science from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),where he developed concepts of data flow computer architecture.  He worked for 26 years at the General Electric R&D Center in Schenectady, New York,  on a variety of projects, including one of the first time-sharing computer operating systems, reconstruction algorithms for computerized X-ray tomographic scanners, a VLSI  design system, an early graphics framework, an early object-oriented programming language, and the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) development process. He joined Grady Booch at Rational Software in 1994, where they began work that resulted in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). At Rational before and after its purchase by IBM, he has worked on software development methodology, modeling tools, and improved software practices. He is the author / coauthor of 5 books and many journal articles.

His home page is available at  http://www-306.ibm.com/software/rational/bios/rumbaugh.html


WIT wird gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur. Die Finanzierung dieser Veranstaltung erfolgte durch die freundliche Unterstützung von IBM Österreich und der Erste Bank.


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