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Das Wissenschafterinnenkolleg Internettechnologien der Fakultät für Informatik der TU Wien lud gemeinsam mit der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft zu folgendem Vortrag ein:

How to give a great research talk?
How to write a great research paper?

Simon Peyton Jones
Microsoft Research Cambridge





Freitag, 15. Oktober 2004
9:45 - 12:45
Technische Universität Wien
Neues Elektrotechnisches Institutsgebäude, EI 10
1040 Wien, Gußhausstraße 27-29

Foto von Simon Peyton Jones

Simon Peyton Jones begeisterte mit seinem grossartigen Vortrag mehr als 160 BesucherInnen. Er brachte nicht nur den theoretischen Input, wie ein Vortrag zu halten sei, sondern zeigte es realiter gleich vor. Obwohl der Hörsaal bis zum letzten Platz gefüllt war, vergingen die drei Stunden wie im Flug. Von den Studierenden bis zu den ProfessorInnen waren sich alle einig: A great researcher with a great talk.

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Giving a Talk
Folien zum Vortrag Giving a Talk

Writing a Paper

Folien zum Vortrag Writing a Paper
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Writing a Paper
Video zum Vortrag Writing a Paper
Giving a Talk Video zum Vortrag Gibing a Talk
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Great research is wasted unless you can communicate your ideas to others. The two principal ways researchers do so are by writing papers, and by giving research talks. Nevertheless, many papers and talks, even by well-established researchers, are amazingly poorly presented. There are many simple things that everyone can do to improve talks and papers, regardless of whether you are a natural speaker or a fluent writer.

In these two linked talks, I will try to abstract lessons from my own experience of writing about and presenting research, in the hope that they may be of use to you. I expect that some members of the audience will also be experienced researchers, with good ideas of their own. Nothing would delight me more than to move from presentation into two-way discussion – so please come prepared to make your own contribution.


Simon Peyton Jones, MA, MBCS, CEng, graduated from Trinity College Cambridge in 1980. After two years in industry, he spent seven years as a lecturer at University College London, and nine years as a professor at the Computing Science Department at Glasgow University , before moving to Microsoft Research in Cambridge , England in 1998.

His main research interest is in functional programming languages, their implementation, and their application. He has led a succession of research projects focused around the design and implementation of production-quality functional-language systems for both uniprocessors and parallel machines. He was a key contributor to the design of the now-standard functional language Haskell, and is the lead designer of the widely-used Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC). He has written two textbooks about the implementation of functional languages. He co-supervises a number of PhD students at the Cambridge University Computer Lab. Simon Peyton Jones has co-authored the article ‘How to give a good research talk' Publikation How to give a good research talk als PDF Datei ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 28 Issue 11, 1993 (Slides).

His home page is at http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj

Kontaktperson an der TU Wien

Dr. Beate List, list@wit.tuwien.ac.at, Tel. 58801-18830


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