Das Wissenschafterinnenkolleg Internettechnologien, der Fachbereich
Informatik der TU Wien und die Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft
luden ein zum:
Prof. Dr. Frank Leymann
Distinguished Engineer, IBM Deutschland
Wo: |
Mittwoch, 17. September 2003
13:00 - 17:00
TU Wien, Neues Elektrotechnisches Institutsgebäude,
EI 9 Hlawka Hörsaal, Stiege I, Erdgeschoß
1040 Wien, Gußhausstraße 27-29 |
Fotos von der Veranstaltung
Mehr als 130 BesucherInnen kamen und waren höchst zufrieden,
wie Sie auf den
Fotos hier sehen können. |
Die Folien wurden kurz nach dem Tutorial zum Download zur Verfügung
gestellt und auf besonderen Wunsch des Referenten wieder entfernt.
Web services based on the service-oriented architecture framework provide
a suitable technical foundation for making business processes accessible
within enterprises and across enterprises. Basically, web services technology
is all about distributed computing. There is no fundamentally new basic
concept behind this and related technologies. What is really new is
the reach of Web services and its ubiquitous support by literally all
major vendors. Chances are high that heterogeneity will at the end no
longer be a major obstruction for distributed applications. This will
have impact on application architectures, middleware, as well as the
way in which people will think about computing and businesses will use
computing resources. In this tutorial, we sketch relevant standards
and standard proposals from this area as well as related middleware
• What are Web services at all?
• Accessing Web services
• Describing Web services
• Finding Web services
• Security aspects
• Dynamic and Web services
• Business Processes
Prof. Dr. Frank Leymann is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and a member
of the IBM Academy of Technology. He studied Mathematics, Physics and
Astronomy at University of Bochum (Germany) and received a M.Sc. (Dipl.math.)
in 1982 and a Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) in 1984, both from University of Bochum.
In 1999 he has been appointed Professor of Computer Science from University
of Stuttgart, Germany.
When joining IBM in 1984 he started as a system programmer and database
programmer. Next, he was responsible for building a universal relation
system. After that, Frank became the architect in charge for a hybrid
object database system. He was a member of the team working on the architecture
and design of the IBM repository efforts, and he was the originator
of a multitude of IBM tools from the area of application development
and database design. Frank worked out the architecture and the metamodel
for workflow systems that became the base for IBM's production workflow
products. He is the chief architect for IBM's flow technology setting
IBM's technical direction in this area. Frank is a member of the IBM
Software Group Architecture Board that is in charge of the technical
strategy of IBM's middleware. Furthermore, he is Software Group's Lead
Architect for On Demand and Grid computing. Finally, since the advent
of Web service technology he is very active in this area working on
corresponding middleware aspects, its usage for application construction,
standardization efforts, and is co-leader of IBM's Web Services Architecture
Kontaktperson an der TU Wien
Dr. Beate List, list@wit.tuwien.ac.at,
Tel. 58801-18830
Die Finanzierung dieser Veranstaltung erfolgte durch die freundliche
Unterstützung von CSC
Austria und IBM Deutschland.
Der Vortrag erfolgte in deutscher Sprache; die Teilnahme war kostenlos!