Das Wissenschafterinnenkolleg Internettechnologien lud gemeinsam mit der Fakultät für Informatik der TU Wien und der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft zu folgendem Tutorial ein: Tutorial
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Bio Previously, Brobst taught graduate courses at Boston University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in both the MBA program at the Sloan School of Management and in the Computer Science departments of both universities. He received the instructor of the year award for two of his last five years in the MET Computer Science department at Boston University and continues to guest lecture frequently at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Brobst performed Masters and PhD research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where his dissertation work focused on load-balancing and resource allocation for parallel computing architectures. He also holds an MBA with joint course and thesis work at the Harvard Business School and the MIT Sloan School of Management. Brobst completed his undergraduate work in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in just three years at University of California , Berkeley , and was awarded the highest honor given to a graduating senior in the College of Engineering (Bechtel Engineering Award). Brobst is an elected member of the Phi Beta Kappa, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, New York Academy of Sciences, University of California , Berkeley Alumni Scholars Association, and the California Scholarship Federation honor societies. He also serves as an advisor to the National Academy of Sciences in the area of IT workforce development. Brobst has authored numerous journal and conference papers in the fields of data management and parallel computing environments and is an internationally recognized practitioner in the area of breakthrough systems implementation. He recently co-authored a book, Building a Data Warehouse for Decision Support, published by Prentice Hall PTR. Brobst is currently working on a second book focused on high performance database design for VLDB data warehouse implementations. He has published dozens of technical articles in Intelligent Enterprise Magazine, The International Journal of High Speed Computing, Communications of the ACM, The Journal of Data Warehousing, Enterprise Systems Journal, DM Review, Database Programming and Design, and many others. Brobst has been on the faculty of the Data Warehousing Institute since 1996 and teaches courses related to Active Data Warehousing and High Performance Data Warehouse Design.Kontaktperson an der TU Wien Unterstützung Hinweis
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